Hospitality Audits, Alani Consulting Services Ltd, 124 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom

Hospitality Audit

A Hospitality Audit is an independent report that includes

A Guest Satisfaction Index value

Comparison analysis to other hotels of the same category

The findings of a Representative Guest (“A Mystery Shopper”)

Past reviews from hotel booking websites sorted by type

A SWOT analysis

An action list of recommendations

A Hospitality Audit is the tool used to

Compare a hotel’s performance against other hotels in the same category in the same city, region and country

Rank the components that make up the overall ranking against other hotels

Give an independent review of staff members encountered by the Representative Guest

Highlight strengths and weaknesses leading to threats and opportunities - the SWOT analysis

Identify a list of suggested recommendations for improvement

Measure the performance of a General Manager based on guest satisfaction

To see a sample of an Hospitality Audit, Click here

Note: A General Manager who improves the ranking of a Hotel becomes highly marketable in the hospitality sector and is likely to be head hunted.

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